Information AWS related articles. Programmatic and infrastructure guides. This section is geared towards DevOps engineers looking to learn more about AWS.

Best Dedicated Hosting Provider: Vultr, AWS, Oneprovider and Serverpronto

Best Dedicated Hosting Provider: Vultr, AWS, Oneprovider, OVH and Serverpronto

Introduction We will go over the Best Dedicated Hosting Provider: Vultr, AWS, Oneprovider, OVH and Serverpronto. Did you know it’s not about the speed but also the support that makes a good hosting provider? We will review these hosting providers in the following attributes: Network speed Hardware quality Support Pricing Ease of use I have used

Best Dedicated Hosting Provider: Vultr, AWS, Oneprovider, OVH and Serverpronto Read More »

How To Detect If I am Running In AWS Lambda Environment

How To Detect If I am Running In AWS Lambda Environment

Introduction We will go over How To Detect If I am Running In AWS Lambda Environment. Did you know that detecting the AWS environment can allow you to test your lambda locally in the same code? I will break this review in the following sections: Talk about the general techniques to detect an AWS environment

How To Detect If I am Running In AWS Lambda Environment Read More »